Posts made in August, 2011

Pizza with Crust?

Posted by on Aug 26, 2011 in Uncategorized | 10 comments

Early in our marriage we invited over a bunch of people for home-made pizza.  I worked diligently to make preparations for our impromptu party.    Overcoming my qualms about baking with yeast, I followed the instructions to the letter – kneading the dough, maintaining perfect temperatures, waiting while it rose.  Triumphant when it did, I rolled out the dough, applied the toppings and waited for my masterpiece to emerge from the oven.  I had timed it perfectly so the guests were ready, soft-drinks in hand when it came out of the oven.   More then eager to consume this aromatic, golden-brown, veggie and meat combo, the guests watched as I set out to extract the...

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Never good enough

Posted by on Aug 23, 2011 in Uncategorized | 8 comments

I wish that we could all have a more realistic image of ourselves. I’m a bit bitter about the fact that we as women have been so completely indoctrinated about what we should look like – what we weigh, our hair, our body parts, everything about our physical attributes. Ok – I’m more then a bit bitter. I find it sad that we spend so much time worrying about these things. I’m as guilty as anyone. I don’t know that I’ve ever been completely content with who I am. No matter what season of my life, there have always been some parts of myself (usually multiple) that were undesirable. Funny – any self assessment would...

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