I recently came across a list of “10 Secrets About Your Pastor”. It was great. After reading it, I was somehow compelled to write this one about pastor’s wives. I know these are not true in every case, but I believe they are true much of the time. I welcome your feedback. Are you surprised? Do you disagree? Would you add any? What about staff Pastor’s wives – What would you add or take away? 12 Secrets About Pastor’s Wives We don’t always know whom to trust. People have tried to get close to us for many reasons and some have betrayed us. When we meet new people at church we wonder whether they are safe, how...
Read MoreI’m on a “Let’s-stamp-out-passive-aggressiveness ” kick. Why can’t we just say what we mean, ask for what we want and be honest when we don’t want something? Let me be the first to say that I resort to these “avoid the tension” tactics at times. If you know me, you know that I am verbally more direct than most although I can do the “nice girl” thing with the best of the them. I’m well trained – I was raised in church. OK – let’s back up. What is passive aggressive behavior? At the risk of over-simplifying the definition, it is appearing to go along with something outwardly,...
Read MoreI have been trying to figure out what it means to be an adult. This is not an easy thing to define. Wishing people would “grow up” is one thing; defining what is meant by the expression is another. To that end, I’ve been working on a writing down the characteristics of maturity. This list is by no means exhaustive, nor is it completed, but I think it’s time to share it. I call the “Adult Manifesto”. I invite your feedback. I am committed to self-growth no matter how painful. I am aware of the human tendency to have personal blind-spots and will therefore, carefully and prayerfully examine my own life and my...
Read MoreIt’s true that hard times can lead to personal growth but it’s not always true. What I mean is, there is a relationship between pain and growth but the relationship does not necessarily work both ways. Adversity is required for maturity but maturity is not always the consequence of adversity. This reality was recently brought home to me in a very powerful way. My parents are a potent example of overcomers who have become stronger and more effective because of the trauma they encountered in their lives. Both my father and my mother know the suffering of war and trauma in a very personal way. In the aftermath of the II World War, my father at age 13, was transported...
Read MoreEveryone is so uptight these days! Recently, while on vacation, my husband and I got on a city bus. It was one of those buses that has sensors which disallow the closing of the vehicle doors if someone is standing too close. It happened to be the route to the airport and we were crowded in amongst people and suitcases. After a stop to take on even more passengers, the last few people did not make it inside the sensor line. In spite of the bus driver’s pleas to move away from the doors, these hapless individuals were confused (there may have been a language barrier) and therefore, slow to respond. Unfortunately the bus was prohibited from moving until...
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